Reality Check : False Accusations Of Rape Against Men

Nowadays in India we are perceiving,that the cases of false accusations of rape against men are surging. The intelligence quotient of our society toward men is very gloom-ridden. Any crime associated with women in particular sexual offenses and rape considered as honest-to-goodness culprit without any knowledge our society accord personality authorization and FIR lodged against men without any prior investigation and consideration.

 Let’s take an instance, 43-year-old Vishnu Tiwari who spent 20 years in jail in a false rape case, this is the time when all teens or to say the working generation has many dreams to do something virtuous or righteous in life , but he was in jail under false rape case. Now, who is responsible for ruining his life, dignity, career, and self-respect, and in jail without any crime. Why always the delivery of justice is to late, who will compensate for this. There are many cases like senior retired chief justice of India Ranjan Gogoi and the owner of the t series Bhushan Kumar who are falsely accused in fake rape cases. So, I want to ask where justice is, and why our society is bigotry biased towards women, I am not negating the fact that there are many genuine cases of women rape reported. Nevertheless, I am talking about those cases which are false in nature. In another very recent instance, Deepak Sangwan, 41 years abled and worked as a financial consultant from his own house, Sangwan committed suicide over a fake rape case. Now who is responsible. When will government assemble the strict law against women, who misuses the power of law and the sympathy of society, and how many innocent men have been trapped in false cases?

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