Part 1.


India is a beautiful mosaic of diverse cultures, religions, customs, and traditions. marriage is an integral part of these institutions and the lives of the population in the social milieu. marriage tends to legitimize the union of two souls in the societal context. In this article, we are dealing with another aspect of marriage; Bigamy. Bigamy simply refers to the offense of marrying someone while already married to another person. we will delve into different legal aspects of bigamy concerning various socio-religious groups in India. We will also reflect on the idea of polygamy in Islam navigating through different socio-historic factors of the early Islamic period. 


 traditionally, the practice of bigamy was related to men having more than one wife, practiced widely in the Indian subcontinent. In India bigamy is governed by the Indian penal code, 1860, and various personal laws. the practice of bigamy is illegal as per Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1955. the condition necessary at the time of marriage is that both the partners getting married should not be having a living spouse. section 494 of IPC "Marrying again during lifetime of husband or wife." penalizes bigamy and polygamy. the offense is defined as "Whoever, having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine." this section does not apply to any person whose marriage with such husband or wife has been declared void by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such as child marriage and other marriages nullified by the family court. this provision also doesn't apply in a situation where a spouse has been continuously absent for a period of seven years, and shall not have been heard of by such person as being alive within that time period. this means that the person is missing or his or her whereabouts are not known for the stipulated time period. for the offense of bigamy, both marriages must be valid, and the performance of the second marriage should be based on the prevalent social norms and traditions. GOA is the only state in the country that allow bigamy, as well as polygamy. the Hindu men have the right to bigamy under specific circumstances mentioned in Codes of Usages and Customs of Gentile Hindus of Goa: When a wife of a previous marriage is not able to give birth to a child and she reaches the age of 25 years. Or, When the wife of a previous marriage is not able to give birth to a male child even after the completion of 30 years of age. Or, When the previous marriage is dissolved according to the provisions of the Goa Civil Code.
 The wording used concerning the rules of bigamy in the GOA civil code is arguably a topic of debate among various scholars and rights activists. "that section, by the influx of time, has been redundant. from 1910 onwards no provision was kept for it. no one has been given benefits under it," the chief minister of Goa said 


 Many a time both terms are used interchangeably but, there is a subtle difference between the two, the former is an offense as per section 494 of IPC as described in the foregoing segment, and the latter is a situation of having more than one spouse at a time, so one must engage in bigamy to experience polygamy. Polygamy is considered a socio-religious practice in the Indian subcontinent and is not categorically illegal. In bigamy there is a chance that the spouses don’t know about the possible offense on the other hand same might not be true about polygamy. spouses live in close vicinity and are possibly aware of the facts. 
According to NFHS data from 2019-20 shows the prevalence of polygyny was 2.1% among Christians, 1.9% among Muslims, 1.3% among Hindus, and 1.6% among other religious groups. Having multiple wives is a common trend in north-eastern tribes.



In Islam, marriage is a legal arrangement, not sacrosanct like in is a contract in which the rights and responsibilities of both spouses are instituted. the primary purpose of marriage in Islam, inter alia, is to regulate sexuality and to further extend the understand polygamy in Islam we need to reflect upon the historical events around which Islam has evolved and expanded as a religion with its epicenter in the middle east. It was a period of active wars and battles, one of the deadliest battles in early Islamic history was the battle of Camel (656) in which a large number of male population died. the Battle of the Camel was a brutal affair with 50,000 participants. The number of casualties varies though some historians suggest Ali lost anywhere up to 5,000 men while A’isha lost 13,000. It was evident that there was a decline in the male population with a high female population. wars and battles require male soldiers to fight for the clan and, women are considered child bearers. Hence, polygamy was a social necessity rather than a matter of choice. All these social and historical factors gave rise to polygamy as a prevalent institution. 
Polygamy is not only limited to Islam, according to David Murray, an anthropologist, historically polygamy is more common than monogamy.
Islam simply allows polygamy, it is not explicitly mandated to have multiple wives. Now, the expansion period of Islam is over it is an established religion with its presence in every continent of the globe. furthermore, In the modern world -- the ideas of modernity, human rights, and choice of the individual are considered cardinal principles, we as a civilization need to navigate the future of polygamy as an institution. 

the author is a student at National Law University, Delhi.

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