Is It safe to use Tor Browser In 2022? What's Tor, How does it Work?

So the simple answer if Tor (The Onion Router) is safe or not is    "Yes it is, the best option out there but-" You should know this basic information before hopping onto tor

1. Slow Internet Connection

Since a single request goes through multiple layers or nodes, using the Tor network will really slow down your connection, If you already have a slow internet connection tor might really suck for you

2. Security Limited Only to Tor Browser.

The security that the Tor network provides can only be used while using the Tor browser or applications that have built in Tor access. This means that not all applications that you use on your computer can be protected by the Tor network, Which Directly Implies that Tor can't save your ass everywhere.

3. Data Breach 

So the Tor Browser works on anonymous communication, It directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network, consisting of more than seven thousand relays to conceal a user's location and usage from anyone performing network surveillance or traffic analysis, this can make your data more vulnerable to spies as the nodes your using are public but anonymous 

lastly using tor might put a red flag on your back as the government thinks a person using tor might have some sensitive information to hide, but the good thing here is tor network is managed by volunteers from around the world which makes it impossible for the government to shut down a tor network

4. IP Address 

The good news is TOR hides your IP address well enough that it can't be tracked, as your request goes through multiple layers before reaching its destination server all these different nods or layers wouldn't know your IP address making you anonymous

What's Tor? How does it Work?
TOR is the acronym for " The Onion Router", So if we put it Simply TOR is just like an onion but on a network, it works like layers of nods to protect user's information like IP Address Location and etc. 
let's make an assumption to get this more clearly:

There's a user "X" on a network/IP "Y", User "X" Opens TOR Browser with his own IP Address and connects to the TOR network, and tries to visit a website called "" usually the host of that particular website gets data like IP Address and etc but, since user "X" has been using TOR the website is going to get a random nod information and the real info of user "X" is hidden behind thousands of other layers of this onion router (TOR) which makes it nearly impossible to get tracked and ultimately increases the privacy of user "X"

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