Best Investment In November 2021, DogeCoin or BTC? - CyberInfu

As of now everyone knows that crypto currency is the future, right now in november 2021 Bitcoin is on the top of the chain with the highest value of a whooping 60k USD (approx) so if you're someone like me with a little to invest this post is perfect for you.

Ofcourse you can buy BTC to invest your money but I think there can be better times from now to buy it, well on the other hand there is Ethereum and Dogecoin well ethereum is kinda on its peak and Dogecoin was higher in the past and according to some economists it is predicted that it will read $1 by end of the year. the biggest pro here is doge is like 27 cents right now so anyone who wanna give a try of like $10-100 can.

Some things to keep in mind while buying crypto 

1. Buy From Trusted Sources Only,
2. Check Monthly value and if you think that particular currency might have a hit, stay away from it for a little bit

and yeah if elon musk you're reading this post don't forget to donate 1 BTC :)

all the values and Information given above might change in the future.

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